Wizard of Oz de Grande Vinko
D.O.B. - April 16th, 2010 † September 24th, 2022
Insanely high drive and playfulness, meantime, Wiz has become a self-confident, very potential young male. Due to its high drive and the correct, medium-sized, strong stature, he is also a great sport dog. At work he has incredibly strong drive and speed, solid grips.
health tests
HD-1, PHTVL/PHPV-free, ECG, color doppler, 24 h holter, heart ultrasound - no signs of any heart disease (July 2013, December 2015, October 2017, March 2018, November 2018, September 2020), Troponinwert okay (September 2020), Dilute-free, DNA-profile, EMBARK-tested
BH, AD, ZTP V1b, angekört IIb, ZVA, IPO 1 (A:96, B:84, C:82 a),
IPO 2 (A:92, B:88, C:88 a) judge: W. Prigandt, IPO 3
nature of Zuchttauglichkeitsprüfung on Novemver 20th, 2011 in Schweinfurt
judge: Hans Wiblishauser
self-confidence: high, intrepidity: middle, temperament: middle, tractability: high,
motivation: high,
drive: high,
threshold: middle, shooting: law,
grip: energetic / resistant / full / calm
IDC Veteran Sieger 2018
German Veteran Champion VDH
DV Veteransieger 2018
German Champion VDH
puppy class:
IDC 2010 Kamenny Mlyn - V-ce Puppy Winner
CAC Schau Itzehoe 2010 - vp1 (judge: Armin Hoppe - DE)
CACIB Hannover 2010 - vp1 (judge: Stefan Sinko - SLO)
youth class:
CACIB München 2011 - Vg3 (judge: Thomas Becht - DE)
FCI-Jahrhundertsiegerschau Dortmund 2011 - Vg3 (judge: Hans Wiblishauser - DE)
CACIB Neumünster 2011 - Vg1, Jugendsieger (judge: Martin Gschwindl - A)
CAC Stadland 2011 - Vg1, Jugendsieger (judge: Martin Gschwindl - A)
intermediate class:
IDC 2011 - V
Bundessiegerschau Dortmund 2011 - Exc1 (judge: Thomas Becht - DE)
CACIB Hannover 2011 - Exc1, CAC, res-CACIB (judge: Merete Dalgaard - DK)
CACIB Lingen 2012 - Exc1, res-CAC (judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel - DE)
CAC Altona 2012 - Exc1, CAC, Landesgruppensieger, BOB (H. Redtenbacher - SA)
open class:
CACIB Neumünster 2013 - Exc1, CAC, res-CACIB (judge: Martin Gschwindl - A)
working class:
CAC Essen 2014 - Exc1, CAC, BOS (judge: Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel - DE)
LG Siegerschau Niedersachsen 2017 - Exc1 (judge: Dr. Attilio Polifrone - I)
veteran class:
CAC Hamburg 2018 - Exc1, Veteran Winner, Best Veteran (judge: M. Gschwindl - A)
DV Siegerhauptzuchtschau 2016 - Exc1, DV Veteransieger 2018 (judge: Norbert Daube, Armin Hoppe - DE)
LG Siegerschau Thüringen 2018 - Exc1, LG Veteransieger Thüringen 2018 (judge: Martin Gschwindl - A)
IDC Slovakia 2018 - Exc1, IDC Veteran Sieger 2018 (judge: ...)
April 2nd, 2012 - D-litter "von Sagramos" - RO
July 13th, 2012 - Z-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
August 27th, 2012 - H-litter "vom Elbauetal" - DE
October 25th, 2012 - B-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
June 6th, 2013 - C-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
September 9th, 2013 - D-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
September 15th, 2013 - E-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
December 25th, 2013 - S-litter "von Marosk" - DE
June 23rd, 2014 - S-litter "von Assindia" - DE
August 16th, 2014 - J-litter "vom Elbauetal" - DE
August 6th, 2014 - F-litter "vom Strengbach" - DE
December 2014 - F-litter "vom Finkenhein" - DE
January 22nd, 2015 - D-litter "vom Georgiberg" - DE
April 4th, 2015 - F-litter "vom Finkenhein" - DE
May 5th, 2015 - B-litter "von Assindia" - DE
January 17th, 2016 - ?-litter "Gujar of Gudas" - CZ
February 12th, 2016 - E-litter "von Apoldastamm" - NL
April 29th 2016 - M-litter "vom Eschenbruch" - DE
June 26th, 2016 - U-litter "Get To The Point" - RO
October 15th, 2016 - L-litter "vom Elbauetal" - DE
June 14th, 2019 - G-litter "von Assindia" - DE
- parents
- Questo Betelges HD-1, ZTP V1a, IPO 1
Romanian Club Winner 2009
Hungarian Club Winner 2009
Super Danube Cup Winner 2009
Balkan Sieger 2008
Serbian Champion
Serbian Youth Champion
Slovenian Youth Champion
- Gekata de Vinko iz
Doliny Dalmenov HD-1, BH, ZTP V1a, IPO 1
Ukrainian Champion
Ukrainian Grand Champion
Russian Champion
RKF Champion
Serbian Champion
Belarusian Champion
Belarusian Grand Champion
Bulgarian Champion
Bulgarian Grand Champion
Lithuanian champion
Balkan Champion